Friday, June 26, 2015

The Final Finale

Greenville, South Carolina

Well, it is hard to believe, but the time is finally here!!  This is actually the last city of this Record Breaking tour!  It is crazy to think that we have completed 443 shows!! What is even harder to grasp is the fact that out of those show days, 91 of them were three-show days!  It is hard to think that after six weeks of rehearsals that we would be here and still going strong.

Keeping that in mind and knowing that after these last eight shows and some busy days with Early Morning Public Relations appearances as well as other events, it was time to go HOME!  For most of us that is basically a foreign word that does not mean a hotel room, which we have become so accustomed to, instead home is a place where all our friends and family are living, where we all started our before we came on the road.  Being away for 11 months is all that we could think about along with the three weeks off that lie ahead for members of the cast. 

We stayed as focused as we could, but it was a challenge.  With not only the thoughts of HOME growing in the background, we were enjoying the last week that we had all together.  There were the boys activities and girls activities also followed up by our Closing Night gathering.  From bowling to go-carting to formal wear and photo booths, there was fun to had and memories to be made.

Taking it all in before some of us part our ways.  Even though most of us are going to be returning after three weeks at home, we will never return all as one.  We will never be the same group that we all started out as in Ellenton as the first show to rehearse at the new building.  Now, we are going to be returning to the very place it all started here in a few short weeks before next season begins. 

So, Good Luck to those who we may only see down the road and See You Soon to all those that are returning!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Nearing the End

Huntsville, Alabama

So we have finally made it to the last two weeks of tour.  It has really been a long time coming and break cannot get her fast enough.  We can literally see the light at the end of the tunnel that we never thought we were going to reach.  It is going to take that one last final push to get us to the end.



Thank goodness this week we have had a few things to look forward to so it doesn’t seem as if time is just dragging on. 


We were able to enjoy two days off being for the most part lazy in most of our cases with the exception of going to the gym across the street or walking around the almost deserted mall. 

More importantly though, one of the main highlights of the week, was Viola’s (Head Wardrobe) fashion show.  After seeing her traveling more and more bags each week, we were all getting anxious to see what she had in store and the time was finally here.  The room was full of not only the entire cast of crew from the show, but also local friends and family as well.  The cameras and lights were ready to go as fellow friends took to the runway to display her newest creations.  It was beautiful. 

Now that all the final tests were done from In-Shows to the Fashion Show, it was time to take a step back and relax, with a BBQ!  The corn hole boards were set up and the piƱata was hung; it was time for some grilling! 

The night was warm, the sky was clear, and everyone was just looking to have a good time knowing that the end is near. 

Let’s finish strong!  One more week for this Record Breaking Tour!