Sunday, February 23, 2014

Crossing the Border

We had a quick turn around after a long drive and crossing the boarder.  At least this time, the officers at the boarder were a whole lot nicer.  Finally, getting in to the hotel, we opened the doors to our rooms and it felt like I was back in college again.  They were huge and it was like we had our own apartment for the week!  I was completely content.  And to top it off, it was my birthday!

It may not really have felt like my birthday because we just got into the next city, but it was really nice hearing happy birthday wishes from not only my friends and family from home, but also from the family that has developed on tour as well.

This week seemed to bring everyone closer together with all the birthdays and even the company dinner that we had!

Coming together outside of work for a nice dinner out and just relaxing for the evening, can brighten anyones mood and that's exactly what it did.

However, it would have been nice to get a chance to skate on the canals or go out taking in the sights of the city, but it was a busy week with only one day off so we all enjoyed the time we did have.

I was also surprised to see how many people spoke English here over french, since the last time we were in Canada it was predominantly French.

Also, not being able to use our phones when we were out, at the same time it was nice for a change and made for some interesting explorations.  Without navigation devices it makes you appreciate the landmarks and road signs a whole lot more.  Going out and getting lost on purpose is one thing, but getting lost in an area where you are not trying to get lost is something different.

Anyways we finished yet another week and it was time to cross back over the boarder again on to US soil!

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