Monday, September 15, 2014

Show Buzz #1


New building, rehearsing in Florida, and we have mini vans!!  Ya, we looked pretty cool rolling around everywhere in our red and white Dodge Mini Vans.  This was definitely a change from either the bus or the taxi services that we are used to on tour. 

Aside from the transportation luxury, we were in store for a lot more to come. 

Before we even had our first meeting, or our first session on the ice, we were already working on becoming a family.  The day everyone landed, it was time for a BBQ!

We are lucky to have the crew that we do because they set us up really nicely with custom-made cornhole boards and bags to match.  We even had a basketball hoop, a picnic table, and two grilles to use at our leisure. 

Oh there were countless nights of sitting around that table playing cornhole and basketball, listening to music, telling stories of where we were from, our background, and just getting to know each other. 

Those were the days. 

Then, before we knew it we were doing dress runs and preview shows and it was time to open!!

After being in the same place for five or well about six weeks in the end, it gets to feel like home and not a whole lot like tour life.  However, we all needed a change and just in time for us to open the show in Orlando!

Why not start out with a bang: opening city = opening night party + 6-pack weekend!

What a way to kick off the brand new show!

Coming off all of that excitement, it was time to calm down and enjoy the fall-like weather in Providence.  Finally we were getting out of the hot, steamy humidity that Florida kept dishing out. 

With two cities under our belt, we still have a lot to learn, but a whole year ahead of us.  We will see where it takes us!

Places to see: 
Ellenton/Palmetto: The World of Harry Potter, Universal Studios, the outlets, the Beach!  Basically if it was a day off and we had enough energy to do something other than just sit by the pool we ventured out.  Days off in rehearsals were definitely low-key. 

Orlando: Downtown Orlando shops and a small festival, Walt Disney World.  Opening city!! Opening Night Party!!

Providence:  Providence Place Mall, Brown University, Cheesecake Factory! (Fire Water had already concluded for the season)

Office Staff: 4 returners out of 5
Crew: 6 returners out of 15
Cast:  11 returners out of 40
FCP:   75 total!!

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