Monday, February 9, 2015

The Windy City – Round #Two

Chicago, IL

It’s crazy how much a city can change from season to season.  Being here last year when the sun was shining and it was about 90 degrees outside is so different from snow and freezing temperatures. 

However, all the feelings from being here before came back the moment I stepped out onto the ice at the United Center.  The lighting, the make-up and costume rooms, and the local workers, and even the very hallway I spoke to my Dad in before I took the ice to make my professional debut were all still the same.  Everything came rushing back even the anxiousness and rapid heart beating; it was time to start the show!

Of course this time I knew a little bit more of what to expect, but like any larger city there were important eyes in the audience and lots of families and friends visiting, making it that much more exciting!

Also, knowing that we had a little bit of time off to explore the big city again was quite rewarding and with the amount of snow we received this week we had our first show cancellation giving us a little more time to venture out.

Of course we revisited the Bean and the Magnificent Mile for some shopping, but we also found the Maggie Daley Ribbon Trail to skate on.  It was an outdoor ice trail in the downtown area.  So, go figure on our one-day off in between all the added shows and rescheduling from the cancellation, we decided to do more skating.

You could say we really weren’t skating; it was more like racing around to see who could get around the trail the quickest before we got too cold and our toes felt like they were going to fall off.

But then it was time to get back to business and just like the snow changed the show schedule for the week, it also affect our travel day as well.  It turns out, that we were in Chicago for two more days after the show ended and one of those days we were lucky enough to get to go to the Chicago Black Hawks game versus the Arizona Coyotes!

Now, hoping for better weather and a clear path to get on our way heading even further north into more snow.

See you in New England soon!

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