Monday, October 12, 2015

Border Town

El Paso, Texas

Well, I can now say that I have been to eight cities in Texas from Waco to Laredo to Corpus Christi to Allen to Houston to Dallas to San Antonio and now to El Paso.   And after being in Mexico for five weeks earlier this tour, El Paso is by far the most similar to Mexico rather than American culture. 

A lot has to do with the fact that literally not only out the window of our hotel can you see Mexico, but if you happen to miss the exit for the arena, you will end up in Juarez, Mexico.   And from what we have heard, that is not exactly the best place you would want to stumble upon. 

So, for the most part we stuck to exploring in America with only a few that chose to cross the boarder.  However, since it was a flight-type of travel day and a pretty tight turn around there wasn’t a whole lot of time left to explore. 

Staying close, some went shopping or hiking in the state park a little ways away, but most just stuck around the hotel and walked around The Plaza in preparation for our Power Skating class later in the week.  (We all died a little) (Power Skating – interval track workouts skating style; jumps included).

Getting out and soaking up some sun was much needed though.  It was comfortable with a slight breeze and lots of sunshine and no humidity, but that did not stop the thunderstorms that occurred almost every night. 

Some enjoyed the light show and some clung to our covers when the thunder rumbled over-head. 

Grateful for a roof over our head even if the hotel was older.  The Camino Royal was rich in history, but way behind the times and it may not have been up to the standards of some, however it was a place for us to stay for the week and seek shelter.  I am sure that back in 1912 when it was built, it was absolutely beautiful though. 

And after this week, I think we are all going to be happy to perform in an arena and a stay in a hotel that is not only up to date, but also that isn’t covered in dirt from the outside.  It has really opened our eyes and made us realize how lucky we are to have the luxuries that we do. 

Excited to get back on the road after this week.  See you in Tucson, AZ!

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