Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Evergreen Nation

Spokane, Washington

Another long bus ride down.  Conquering another state we were in the Lilac City.  And as most of us know the state of Washington to be very rainy; it’s true.  However, it does depend on the location, and Spokane was on the drier side with about 200 sunny days in the year versus Seattle with only about 50.  This did not seem to be the case when we were in town though, having all but about two days with rain at some point or another.  

We made the most of it though and were able to get out and go shopping at the mall right down the street as well as take a gander down to the Spokane Falls.  They were beautiful waterfalls located right in the downtown area, just a little ways up from the Riverfront Park, which was hosting the Chinese Lantern Festival.  Chinese music, dancing, as well as animals and dragons were lit up all around the park area.  And each night around 8:00 PM, music played and a few dancers took to the stage for a short show.   

And if we weren’t out exploring the area or roaming through the park on the way to the arena, some of us were catching up on some much needed sleep or taking part in pair ice and of course catching up on some television shows. 

If you can’t tell, we were trying to stay inside for a good part of the time because the temperatures were the coldest we have seen so far this tour.  We were breaking out our winter coats and boots.  Needless to say, I was not ready for that nor did I expect to have to do so while on a West Coast tour.  It happened though and all while it was 70 degrees back home in PA.

Nonetheless there were things to do around the area; it was also kind of like a lazy week for us.  This is the first time in a while that we had three one-show days and then finished the week with only two shows on Sunday!  That has never happened until now. 

Timing was perfect because we are just gearing up for some busy weeks to come. 

See you on the other side of the state!

Seattle/Kent here we come!

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