Saturday, July 30, 2016

Drifting through Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan


Sometimes scenes from certain movies just stick with you and when you are finally there where it took place it doesn’t even feel real.  It’s almost as if you are dreaming and you’re going to open your eyes any minute and wake up in your own bed in your own home and start your day.  However, this was not the case; I was standing in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, the busiest intersection in the world and the very place that one of the Fast and Furious movies, Tokyo Drift was filmed!  It finally hit that I was here, like literally here.  


I would have never imagined ever, that I would be in Japan, let alone its capital of Tokyo where one of my favorite movies was filmed!  I guess it just goes to show, that you can’t plan everything.  There are moments that come up that are unexpected that you have to take and if you don’t, you’ll never know what you could have had and what you could have seen.  Life is a journey and we are just along for the ride.  There is a plan out there for each of us, but for now we just have to see where it takes us.  

And as for the week, we were in for some well-known sightseeing that is if the weather cooperates.  I never imagined Japan to be as humid as it is here, let alone all this rain.  Luckily, we crossed our fingers and had a few hours every now and then where we could make it out and stay dry.  


Since we already drifted through the Shibuya Crossing; more like walked through or were pushed through the crossing, it was fitting just make our way to Harajuku street which was famous for all the Japanese-style shops and Roppongi Hills as well, which is considered the Beverly Hills of Tokyo.  

On the calmer side of things, we were also around just in time for the lantern lighting that took place in Odaiba at the beach.  Small candles were placed into different colored paper bags that were arranged in all different patterns along the water in the sand as the famous Rainbow Bridge landscaped the background.  And just around the corner were the Ferris Wheel followed by the Giant Robot (Gandamu).  It was as if there was something to see at every corner you turned.  However, one must be aware at all times because you never know when an earthquake may strike.    


There were three earthquakes alone this week, some stronger than others, but all while we were at the arena.  I thought that I would probably experience one while was here, but not four or five already and it hasn’t even been a month yet.  Things just keep getting more and more interesting.  


Keeping us on our toes, we were off to Nagoya and 29 shows in 11 days; bring on the craziness.  

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