Yokohama, Japan
Well, I definitely didn’t expect that. Everything was in dark black tents. It brought back memories from when we performed in Toronto, Canada minus all the dirt since were weren’t in a baseball stadium. However, temperature-wise it was much more bearable there than what it was here that’s for sure. I think we were all hoping for a little relief this week and well we got the exact opposite.
However, trying to make the most of it, we did manage to find perfectly taped off squares in the right arrangement to be able to play four-square. Yes, that’s right, four-square. We were all taken back to our elementary days when we felt like the big kids on the playground. Ah the good ole days.
Adding to the feeling, a few train stops away at the Yokohama Port, there waited a Ferris Wheel accompanied by a small amusement park to steal our fun. However, we had to settle for pictures from a distance for the time being.
So we put our adult pants back on and settled for more shopping, which literally is everywhere. This week, not only are there four floors of shopping within our hotel, but also in the train station as well. I don’t just mean convenient stores either; I’m talking about clothing stores and shoes stores and even electronic stores. One of the most important finds this week though was a Krispy Kreme Donuts followed up by an import store. Ah, you have no idea how much you miss certain foods until you are gone and can’t have them anymore. Thank goodness for the Hard Rock Café, it was a lifesaver because that meal has never tasted so good!
Coming back with a full tummy was even more satisfying especially to a grand hotel like this. From all the stores to the circular shape to the Olympic Figure Skating jacket in the lobby all the way up to the 40th floor, we felt like we were living pretty special this week.
And it was definitely a good thing we liked it because there was a possibility of being stuck in the hotel. Stopped transportation, 120 flights cancelled, in the eye of the typhoon, but we still had our shows and only delayed by five minutes. I would have to say that is dedication.
Wow, we have definitely seen it all here from temperatures in the 100s to earthquakes and all the way to typhoons. Let’s see if we can finish this country off without any more strikes from Mother Nature.
It’s hard to believe that we are coming up on completing two months here in Japan and with only one month left to go, we are off to Fukuoka.