Saturday, August 20, 2016

Marathon #2

Osaka, Japan


We did it!  We finished 29 shows in 11 days, hiked Mount Fuji, and did 25 more shows in 9 days!  Now, we can do anything!  


D34 conquers the world in Japan! 


As if it wasn’t enough to perform to show #900, we wanted to hike a mountain before doing 25 more shows.  Yes it was hard, yes it was challenging and at some points you may have thought that you may not make it to the top, but we all did and it was 100% worth all the effort.  Never have I ever hiked that far, that high in altitude, or at night and I must say it was one of the best things that I have ever done.  Not only is beautiful, but it also teaches you a lot about yourself as well.  


Once you make it to the top and see the sun start to rise, everything becomes silent and the beauty just speaks for itself.  Its something that you have to be there to experience it and no picture will ever do the scenery justice, nor the feeling that you get inside knowing that you made it and such beauty lies before you.  


However, the hike up was hard, but I think for some, the decent downward wasn’t the easiest either.  It was not as difficult on your endurance, but the high impact on your knees and ankles definitely made up for it.  We all looked a little strange walking down the trail backwards at some points to relieve the stress and tension before collapsing and not moving in a large circle in the middle of the common area before catching the bus back.  


It was a quiet bus ride and even quieter bullet train ride for us; all sleeping every chance we got after that to recover.  And I must say the bullet train ride is probably the smoothest means of transportation that I have ever been on.  Even though we were traveling at speeds around 162 mph, the only time you felt anything was a slight wobble when we would pass another train before making it to our final destination.  


And while we didn’t have much time to sightsee, we still made time for a company BBQ and the first annual traditional formal of the new tour year!  I really don’t know how we still find the time and energy to do the things we do, some more than others, but somehow we are still on the journey all together.  


And a journey is just what these 25 shows in 9 days were going to be.  I really think we may be a little crazy, but hey we can at least say that we did it and we survived! 


What is even harder to grasp is the fact that only three weeks ago we performed show number 900 and now, we are over 950…in three weeks!  That means we did 54 shows in the last three weeks!  How many people can say they did that and hiked a mountain in between?!?!


Feeling like Olympians ourselves, it was fitting that we had access to watch the games during the shows.  However, it was a little disappointing because unlike in the states when most events and all athletes are covered, only the Japanese competitors were covered so when other countries were competing it was a blessing that we were able to see how they were doing.  Anyhow, the Olympics are the Olympics and they only come around every two or four years, so being able to watch anything was nice.  – Congratulations to all the competitors! – 


Back to reality though, it was the hottest it has been here with temperatures in the upper 90’s and 100’s and not only was there a tsunami in the area, but we were also hit with a gorilla rain, which is a heavy rain that comes out of no where unexpectedly.  Fear not though, we survived!  


But that wasn’t the end of the surprises, after three years behind the scenes; our Performance Director entered the show for the first time as a surprise!  Everyone was trying to keep it fresh after the same routine for so many days.  Just goes to show that we have to be on our toes at all times because we are never sure what could come next.  And after a well-deserved day off that sent us all in different directions, we were off to our next city; Yokohoma and before you know it we will be on our way home for a few weeks.  



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