Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Luck of the Irish

Dublin, Ireland

Well, for as impressed as I was with the Irish countryside and as beautiful as it was, it was the complete opposite for the people.  Ireland was one of the places that I was looking forward to going to the most.  After seeing the land appear so many times in television programs and movies and knowing that part of my family descended from this land, it has always held a special place in my heart.  Unfortunately, though only being part Irish doesn’t help matters much.  Most of the people that would discover that I was from the states almost shunned me in a way and none were very polite.  There were a few that were, but they were few and far from in between. 

Anyways, enjoying my time with those that we travel with as per the usual, we tried to make it into the city as much as we could all things considered.  We were a 40-minute train ride or a 25 minute, $50 cab/Uber ride away.  Don’t get me wrong it was so nice being outside the city and in the country, but without a car and no fridge or cooking equipment, it made it more difficult than usual for finding food.  Especially, when there is only one Domino’s that has to be contacted by the hotel to deliver and room service stops when they hotel opens its own buffet.  And even though the hotel was gorgeous and had a huge gym and gold course surrounding the grounds, it was a tad bit creepy.  The hallways stretched in square directions extending forever and were like that out of a horror movie decorated in eerie pictures every two feet. 

So, escaping to the city was quite nice for a change and I never normally say that.  And I must say, walking through a modern art gallery in what used to be an old hospital where the artist was previously jailed in the jail across the street just added to creepiness.  However, enough of that feeling now, we walked through Trinity College, one of the most prestige in the country.  It is equivalent to the Ivy League schools like Yale and Princeton and Harvard in the states.  It definitely put a new perspective of what it would be like to go to college over here. 

And where there is a college town, you know there is a wide range of night life to experience and we did just that and even made it to some of the most iconic places there are to see in Dublin in doing so. 

However, a trip to Dublin is not complete unless you go to the Guinness Factory and Storehouse.  If you don’t make it in the next few years, it’s not to worry though, this factory will be around for at least a total of 9,000 years because when Arthur Guinness signed the lease to the seven-story building, he did so for that long.  He also married and fathered a total of 21 children, 10 of which survived to keep the company up and running and carry on the name. 

So, in the end, our trip to Ireland was amazing when it came to the sights to see, just beware of the people and never rely on a clock located on a church, chapel, or any building for that matter, because it will never tell the correct time. 

Back to the UK we went.

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