Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Last Week in the Suburbs of NYC

It was really strange arriving in the next city and it was till light outside and there were actually restaurants and stores that were still open for business.  We are all getting used to the fact that by the time we make it to the next city after our last show finishes, that most places are going to be closed for the night.  We also are adjusting to having our off days be the most dreaded days of the week by most people who work the steady Monday to Friday jobs.  However, our busy days are most people's off days, so it pays off in the grand scheme of things.

Anyways, we made it to Brooklyn.  This was the last time that we were going to be close to the Big Apple of New York City.  Despite the freezing cold of the polar vortex setting in and the snow that just kept falling, people were still out an about.

I cannot believe that in New York they use two garbage trucks with plows followed by a road-crew truck that is throwing salt.  I really don't understand that or the fact that the city roads are the last ones to get cleared, but it works out in the end.  I mean you learn something new everyday and that was my fun fact for then!

I also rode a subway for the first time too!! So over the course of being back and forth between New Jersey and the New York City areas, I have road my first-ever public transportation bus, train, and subway and they have all been in NYC!!  I guess if it is going to be a first time for something, you better make it one to remember!

Keeping that in mind, the weather didn't stop most people, who were cramming in all that they could and seeing the last Broadway show, or going shopping New York City-style, but not me.  I was off enjoying the sights away from the city and visiting some familiar faces.

Sometimes you just need those days where you have movie marathons or home-cooked meals, or just an escape from the hustle and bustle of everything.  Yes, the city-life is fast and convenient and glamourous with all of the shopping and lights, but I still like my share of quiet time.

Being able to reconnect with friends always brings back so many memories and makes you realize how far everyone has come and who you have become to be.  It also makes you realize where you came from and where you want to go also.

So, we said goodbye to Brooklyn and New York and hello to the next city that will be our home for the week, but not before we had some very yummy food from Shake Shack!!

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