Thursday, May 12, 2016

Rock City

Little Rock, Arkansas

Little Rock definitely had the small-town feel from the little coffee shops like Mugs to the street trolleys and brick sidewalks.  Along Main Street there were local places to eat and small boutiques, but when you crossed the bridge that had a colorful light display at night, it was a completely different story.  Everything was commercialized.  Typical chain stores and restaurants were all around.  It’s crazy what a little distance can do.

However, one thing that didn’t change unlike the scenery, in such a short distance was the friendliness of the people.  It was a nice surprise that everyone was always happy and willing to talk.  There was not a single day that we walked into the building without someone greeting us and telling us to have a good day and wishing us luck with our shows.  Definitely, a refreshing way to start the day; sometimes that’s all you need and you’re in a good mood all day.  

Which was something to fall back on when things didn’t exactly go the way they were planned; such as opening night when we lost power for the first time since the show opened.  It was the first time that I was actually involved in an All- Stop in my three years on the road and I must say its one of those situations that you talk about all the time, but really don’t think it will ever happen.  Then, when it does, you almost freeze and really have to think about the exact procedures that you have to follow to ensure not only your safety, but also the safety of others around you. 

Thank goodness that was the main excitement for the week and things just went up from there.  I mean, it was our second-to-last week on tour and we just completed our 850th ice show!!

However, the fun was not ever yet.  Not only did we cash in for the room upgrade that we won at the auction at the beginning of this tour season, but there was also the final formal of the year.  That still wasn’t all; we had our last BBQ too! 

We even went to a trampoline park and let’s just say that we were there for two hours and thought we were close to being done after only an hour passed.  From the dodge ball games to learning back flips, to seeing how many times we could rotate in the air, we were all like little kids again. 

So we bounced off all of our extra energy before we had our final travel day of the tour, off to Cincinnati, Ohio: the last and final city on this 2015-2016 tour. 

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