Tuesday, May 3, 2016

When it Rains; it Pours

Lafayette, Louisiana

Too much rain is always a fear in most areas, but it brings a new meaning when you’re in Louisiana.  Even without the aid of the ocean water and the breaking of levies, water still seems to rise in overflow creek beds as well as in the streets.  It’s almost as if this area just can’t handle more rainfall on top of all the water that is already within the state itself. 

It was mile after mile of bridge that extended far off into the distance.  Clearly, we spent more time traveling over water than we did driving over dry land on our travel day.  I mean it was unique itself.  First the day started off a little rocky when the buses never showed in Duluth to transport us to the Atlanta airport.  Therefore, we all took ubers there.  That was one pricey drive to say the least, about $100 later for each just to find that the busses were never confirmed and booked.  Anyhow, we all made it and that was the important part.  Thank goodness it was a direct flight and then we were off on another two-hour bus ride to our hotel, which just so happened to be located close to the Lafayette Airport; too bad though, we flew into the New Orleans Airport. 

While some chose to head to NOLA on the days off, others took to the calmer route and stuck around the hotel.  Not too far down the road, was Girard Park right off the grounds of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  It was a nice little escape with basketball courts, a swimming pool, volleyball courts, swings and play equipment, as well as a large pond with ducks and baby ducks, turtles, and fish! 

It was just what I needed before the whirlwind of a week started because when it did; we were off to the races.  It was in-show time.  The nerves were evident, the countdown was on, the five-minute warm-up was over and it was time to take the ice, one, two, and three times.  Within a blink of an eye it was all done.  And finally, it was onto finishing the workday and time to relax and enjoy the company of a college friend and some yummy food at Don’s Seafood and Steakhouse.     

It was delicious and catching up was great!  It always brings back so many memories and I am so grateful that I am able to see as many people as I have since I joined tour.  To think that if I was not doing what I am, I may have never seen the people that I have in the last three years. 

As usual we parted ways and hit the road in differing directions; off to Little Rock, Arkansas. 

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