Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Can’t Get Enough

Saitama, Japan


It was a rather short travel day to get into Saitama and when we arrived it was a pleasant surprise.  The hotel was about 10 times the size of the one we were in last week.  The hallways were bright and open; we had a grand view of the city in our room and the air conditioning actually circulated through the whole room.  It was a good start to the week and one that started with days off! 


So, of course we had to busy ourselves and we were off to Disney Sea.  It was a nice gesture from the sponsoring company, Chukyo, at the beginning of the tour to give us 30 tickets and it just so happened to be that the majority of us that wanted to go received tickets in the drawing that they did.  


Being the only Disney Sea theme park in the world, we were all excited to see what it had to offer.  From the Tower of Terror to Journey to the Center of the Earth to attractions for Toy Story, Aladdin and Jasmine, and the Little Mermaid things were just getting started.  There were the typical shops and places to eat with the occasional meeting of characters and prince and princesses along with the villains.  However, most of the shows that took part throughout the day happened on the water.  But, my all time favorite show and probably favorite attraction at the park was their final show, Fantasmic.  


It was a show that took place on the water in the center of the park and utilized at least three or four ships as well as all the characters, princes, princesses, and villains.  Not only were there spotlights in the sky, but show lights as well and then fireworks and water displays.  It was magnificent and encompassed everything you could ever imagine in the park.  It is a must see when you are there, but you have wait until the very end of the day to see it and it only shows once, so make sure you get a good seat! 


And if all of that wasn’t enough for us, we found a rotating sushi bar that brings you your order via a small bullet train while other sushi rotates around on the lower track.  What a way to start bringing the tour to a close.


But not so fast, we still had to save time to say good-bye to the break workers, have a girl’s night, and complete our 1,000th show! 


It is absolutely crazy to think how fast time flies and how much you can accomplish and where you can be in two years.  I mean, we just started into year three and we already hit 1,000 shows.  In that time span, we’ve:

Worked 639 days,

Had 107 days off, 

Traveled 52,159 miles, 

Been to 4 countries, 

Seen 87 cities, 

Completed one 15-pack, 

Five 12-packs, 

Eighteen 9-packs, 

Fifty 6-packs, 

182 three-show days, 

123 two-show days, 

144 one-show days, 

Had 2 all stops, 

99 cast members, 

48 crewmembers, 

And 17 staff members. 

I’d say that we’ve come pretty far an accomplished a lot in that period of time. For now, we can let it all sink in before starting our last and final week here in Japan.   




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