Friday, September 30, 2016

The Final Destination

Matsuyama, Japan


Well, we did it!  In the beginning it seemed like such a daunting tasking looking at the schedule with back to back weeks of over 20 shows and climbing the mountain on the only day off in between; but we did it!  We survived Japan!!  



To be honest, I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to be that far away from home in a culture where I didn’t speak the language at all nor did I really know much about or how to communicate, but we made it work.  Thanks to lots of games of charades and Google Translate, we were able to figure things out.  It also helps that the people are always so nice and kind and caring.  They will literally leave work to show you what you are looking for.  Its also, the safest place I have ever been; children as young as 1st grade travel back and forth on trains all by themselves.  



can’t believe its time to go home already.  At points it seemed like time was taking forever to pass and now that its time to depart, its almost as if time flew by.  So, of course we were all trying to cram everything into our last week; eating our last of Japanese food, spending time with everyone outside of the workplace, and enjoying the Japanese culture one last time.  



And of course, they always save the best or the worst for last.  I really enjoyed this city because within 10 minutes of walking from being down town you were able to get to a little more reserved area and gaze upon the whole city from above in the Matsuyama Castle.  However, at the same time, we were in the hottest building yet of the tour.  Just when we thought it was going to cool down we were in for it.  We were performing in a Japanese Martial Arts building and while the construction of it resembled that of the culture and really reminded me of a Cabella’s of a Bass Pro Shop, the air conditioning was quite lacking.  



This definitely had us looking forward to some cooler weather that is soon approaching as we head to Western Europe after our two-week break at home.  But, before that, we had to officially close and in doing so we had our Closing Night/Farewell from Chukyo.  


It was probably the most exquisite gathering I have been to on tour.  Not only were there tables and tables of food and drinks, but also there were chandeliers hanging from the ballroom ceiling where speeches were to be given as the night passed.  



It was a true pleasure to be given such an opportunity and even though I was hesitant in the beginning, I am very thankful that I had it in me, to take full advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity.  I will forever cherish it.  I can’t wait to see what the next adventure brings.  For now though, I just can’t wait to spend two weeks at home! See you down the road!


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