Monday, October 17, 2016

European Soil

Manchester, England UK

Back at it again.  That break was so nice and of course like any other, we always wish it was longer.  However, it was great to catch up with everyone that I was able to and for some it had been way too long.  To those I was not able to see I know there will come another time soon…like Spring 2017!  So, until then I will be seeing you from the other side of the World!

And, I must admit that even though the goodbyes still don’t get any easier, I was feeling a little more at ease heading into a country where for at least the first three months I will be in English speaking countries.  Yes, I know some of the accents may make things a little more difficult and some words and phrases may take some getting used to, but hey, I made it through Japan; I feel like that says a lot right there.  I am not by any means saying that it was easy, but now I feel like that may be the hardest and most culture-shocking part of the tour this year.  I am ready to see everything that Europe has to offer!

It was a quick turn around with only 10 days at home and then stepping off the plane and getting back to business with one full day of rehearsals and a dress run then stepping right back into “show-mode” that night. 

And while we weren’t at the building we were trying to soak in all of what this first city for the European Tour had to offer. 

For most of us, this was our first time in this part of the country so getting acquainted to things was the first task at hand.  So far, the traffic is reversed as to what the norm is in the states, but just like on busy roads with lots of stop lights, people still like to run the red lights.  Time to cross the street via foot seems quite short too if you ask me.  Also, power voltage is different and if you do not have a converter and adapter either you won’t have any power flowing to your device or you will have too much and will learn that the hard way.  The British Pound is also decreasing in strength, so it is going to help us Americans out over here when we spend money since its value is slowly getting closer to the American dollar.  Which is always good to know when we are out shopping at the Arndale Mall or out for a bite to eat at the Botanist or some fun at Tiger Tiger.  And if you are really lucky, you may even run into Stan; a very friendly fellow who was not shy in asking any lady to dance and quite a regular who was liable to make anyone smile. 

Sometimes you never know who you are going to meet or run into and I was graciously thankful to see a friendly face all the way away from home!  We were finally reunited while I was still on tour after tour was where we were first introduced and it was lovely!

So, city number one is complete and we off to Newcastle and just like that we are back to the grind of this World Premier.   

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