Monday, December 30, 2013

Home was Calling My Name

No sooner did we arrive in Providence, Rhode Island I found myself on a plane heading home for Christmas!! I was so excited that the fact that I actually needed to sleep never even crossed my mind.  I was running on pure adrenaline.  I had one thing on my mind and that was to get home for the holidays.

Monday morning could not come soon enough!!

Finally, I was on my way to the airport and flight number one went smoothly and then it was time to wait for flight number two.

As soon as the plane touched down, I could not get off the plane quick enough to see my family and friends!! I was on Cloud 9 and in my glory when I was at home.  It was the best decision that I have ever made, spending the money to come home to be with the one's that mean the most.

There are other opportunities to travel and sight see, but you are only given one official family in your life and sometimes you just have to show them how much you appreciate them and how much they mean to you.  Since I have been on the road the last few months, I have come to realize the importance of the little things and family especially.  Even though we have been apart most of this time, we are still strongly tied to one another with a bond that cannot be broken and there is no distance that I would not travel just to be with them again for the holidays.

There is no word to describe how excited and happy I was to be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I was overjoyed and in the place that I needed to be.  There is no better feeling than to be surrounded with those that you love and your family on the holidays to boost your spirits.

However, the time was quick at home and it was time to get back to work.  I mean, we had to perform 12 shows in the next five days!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

New York, New York

From snow to more snow we started our very long journey and went until we couldn’t go anymore.  Stopping at a rest area only about one and a half hours into the trip, the busses had to pull over.  The roads were not visible and the snow was coming down so hard that you could not see very far in front of you.  So, we made the most of our two hours at the rest stop and played in the snow.  Well, it may not have been the most practical, but it made the most sense to us at the time.

Finally making it to our destination later than expected, we pulled into our hotel in Albany, NY.  After a little rest, it was time to explore the area.  The building architecture was definitely artistic and the Christmas decorations along the street just added to the holiday spirit that the city emitted. 

The churches, mansions, and state capital buildings were just beautiful and the outdoor ice rink was had the perfect few of the sky and city buildings. 

Even though we trying to take it all in as best as we could, the time went by even quicker with all the shows, however that did not stop the holiday spirit and gift giving. 

As the year goes on and we learn more and more about each other, we are also getting closer and closer and becoming more like a family each week. 

Happy Holidays!!

See you in the next city for a very Merry Christmas!!

Snow Snow and More Snow!

 Well, it was time for another flight experience.  This time the weather played a part in our travels and delayed our first plane and left us running to catch the next one, which ended up sitting for over an hour loading all of our luggage.  No one was very pleased and I just could not wait to touch down in Pittsburgh from Kansas!!

The negative three-degree weather and snow couldn’t even stop me.  There was nothing that was going to stand between me and seeing my family and home on our few days off before returning to Youngstown, Ohio. 

Taking it all in when I was at home, including the home cooked meals, but that was nothing compared to the surprise that I walked into as I got home! Little did I know, but my sister came home from college and was waiting for me at home, My Daddy met me at the gate as I got off the plane and my Mom and Grandma were even there to pick me up too. 

Even though it was a quick turn around once I got home, I got to experience my first Penguins game at the CONSOL Energy Center that night along the way I ran into some of my friends; making the experience that much better. 

Unfortunately, the time at home could not last a bit longer and it was time to hit the road to Youngstown, Ohio.  It was so nice being in a familiar area that was close to home and having some friends and family come watch the shows.  It makes it all that much better and more exciting!  However, the hardest parts are still the goodbyes that I have to say when it is time to move onto the next city.  That will never get any easier, but knowing that those special people will always be there does make it seem the slightest bit more accepting.  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welcome to the Land of Toto and Dorothy

Well, we made it to Topeka, Kansas and no sooner do we get here and it gets cold!! I am not talking about 20s to 30s, I am talking like 3 degrees in the morning to wake up to.  And yes we saw snow!! It was the first time since we have been on tour that we have seen snow this year.

Yes, most of us braved the cold and the wind and continued on our merry way; that along with staying out of sight of the Westborough Baptist Church and their picketing.

I mean, who or what can stop people from shopping!! Haha, yes there was more shopping to be done, which is definitely going to make the flight interesting with the weight of our luggage already being at maximum capacity.  Oh well, it was the perfect time to do holiday shopping before it was too late.

Also, with a movie theater right around the corner, it was nice to enjoy some relaxation at the theater.  Seeing the movie Frozen was probably one of the best ideas that we have had on tour so far.  Yes, the walk was definitely a chilly one, but it was kind of ironic being the title of the movie was "Frozen."

And to top it all off, did I mention Christmas lights?!  There is nothing more than seeing houses all decked out in their Christmas gear to get you in the holiday spirit!!

Show Buzz #2

D20 Show Buzz January/February 2013

The Fall leaves are turning and starting to crunch under our feet and before you know it Jack Frost will be nipping at our nose.

It’s the holiday spirit!! Tis’ the Season to be Jolly!!

Making it from place to place this year has definitely been an experience.  We have been to places in Michigan and Ohio where it’s definitely cold this time of year and all the way down to Texas where we saw weather in the 90’s!!  It was a nice escape from the real world and freezing temperatures, but we were brought back to reality when it was 3 degrees on a three show Saturday in Topeka, Kansas. 

From the cold north to the deep south, we have covered many regions, even the forbidden and haunted ones…BOO! 

No holiday goes unnoticed on tour.  We all celebrated Halloween at O’Maley’s in the Alley in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

From the live-looking statues to the cobwebs in the corners, to the dark lights; it was time for some fun.  Everyone, no matter who you were dressed up to partake in fun.  There was even a costume contest and Captain Canada won!!

Then, it was back to reality…on the road again, on the road again, on the road again…

We were in Texas!  The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas. 

We may not have been seeing a lot of stars all the time, but we were definitely adapting to the environment in each city.

In Waco, Texas we performed in a fairgrounds building.  There were rodeos taking place at night after our shows cleared out and horse shows in another ring, and did I mention, there was the infamous red Texas dirt everywhere!!  It really made you feel like you were back home at a state fair especially with the pungent fragrance that filled the air. 

Who would have ever known that out of the four cities that we performed at in Texas, that they would be so different?  Each was almost as if it was it’s own special island instead of being part of the same state.  However Allen was definitely unique.  It was Thanksgiving!!

Everyone was in their glory.  We were all a bunch of little kids that morning; waking up early to watch the Thanksgiving Macy’s Day Parade.  Then it was time to go bounce in the Bouncy Castle!! Yes, we think we are adult, but really we are all kids at heart.  Who doesn’t want a bouncy castle at their Thanksgiving Day celebration?!

After we were all tuckered out like little puppies that play too hard, it was time for a feast of a lifetime.  I am not talking about one or two turkeys for all of us, but how does 10 deep-fried turkeys with all the fixings sound?!   We even had dessert with pumpkin pie, and pumpkin rolls, and cookies.  You name it and if it was food, we basically had it that day.  Thank goodness we did not have to worry about weigh-ins that week because we all ate enough food to hold us over for days.

Places we have been/Places to see if you go:
Auburn Hills – Chrysler Factory
Dayton – Performed on Wright State University campus, United States Air Force Museum
Cincinnati – Underground Railroad Museum, Great American Ball Park, Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame, Newport Aquarium in Kentucky, Halloween Party at O’Maley’s in the Alley
Houston – Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston Zoo, Performed in football stadium (Houston Texans)
Laredo – One mile from Mexican boarder, San Antonio, Corpus Cristie – Padre Island – Mustang Beach (great for a bonfire and smore’s), Largest Rattlesnake in Texas
Waco – Dr. Pepper Museum, Wild West (Line Dancing), Spice Village (shopping), riverfront, Baylor University, Baylor men’s basketball game, Texas Sports Museum, performed in a fair grounds building
Allen – Allen Outlets, Shopping Mall, Thanksgiving – Bouncy House, Black Friday shopping, Thanksgiving Macy’s Day Parade
Topeka – Be ware of the Westborough Baptist Church (STAY AWAY), Christmas lights!!, More shopping!! Freezing weather… first snow fall that we’ve seen on tour!!

Congratulations to:
Anie Smith –  Engaged
Adam Blake -  Recognized for his chorography and won the Young Artists Competition (will be assisting in choreographing the new show for Disney On Ice next year)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tis the Season - The Holiday Season (Allen, TX)

Who would have thought that I would be in Texas for Thanksgiving?  If you would have told me this last year, I don't think that I would have believed you, but it's only true.  It happened.  It was my first holiday away from my family.  We all made the best of it here in Allen, Texas though.

We surrounded ourselves with our own family for a year.  We all may be from different parts of the world, have many likes and dislikes, and not one person look like the next, but that is what makes this family so unique.  That, and the fact that we had a bouncy house for Thanksgiving!!  I mean, what family has one of those just for the holiday?!  Haha, this one does!! Clearly, we are one of a kind, but that's what makes it all that much better.

We even brought in the holiday watching the Thanksgiving Macy's Day Parade in morning just like we were little kids again.  This time though we all were a lot older.  It really felt like a holiday especially with the day off from work.

Then, it was time for the feast and good company of course only after we were all bounced out and the 10 deep-friend turkeys with all the fixin's were done, it was time to eat!! Never has it been so quiet in a room of over 60 people before.

Aside from the holiday celebrations, it was definitely a city for Christmas shopping.  If you needed anything, Allen was the place to find it, with outlets in one direction, a mall in the other, and strip malls with little shops in another, you were bound to find something to your fancy.  This being said, most of our suitcases are feeling the repercussions of that.  It will be interesting to see how many of them make weight the next time we have to fly.  Until then, we were off on the bus ride to another state and another city!! See you all in Kansas!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Texas Gets Cold?!

And who would have thought that Texas would get cold?!

Snow?  Sleet?  Rain?  What is this?  In Texas?!  Really?!

Welcome to Waco, Texas!

Well, we were definitely in Texas when we performed at a fair ground!! Yes, it may have had red dirt on the floor and smelled like animals, but it reminded me so much home!!

Aside from some friendly reminders of home, there are some things that you can only do in Waco.

One of those is visiting the Dr. Pepper Museum where the pop (soda) was invented.  This small town that was once a booming metropolis, is home to the drink along with small boutiques that are one-of- a- kind in Spice Village.  The river walk and walking bridge were gorgeous especially at night.

When there weren't sights to see in the city, it was time to get the dancing moves on and hope that no one's boots met your toes while line dancing and trying yourself not to step on your own feet.

Did you know that Cotton Eye Joe, the dance, is different in Texas, than the versions that we know in Pennsylvania?  You would think that the wooden floor was a ballroom with all the lifts and spins that were going on.

If country was not your thing, then there were options like the Texas Sports Museum or touring Baylor University where you could also catch a men's basketball game.  Yes...I was in my glory and felt at home sitting in the audience of a college game.  I mean the colors were even close being green and yellow instead of green and white like my alma mater, Slippery Rock University.

Also, birthdays do not go forgotten when you are tour.  Even though we all may be far away from home and our families at different parts of the tour, for now, we are all family.  Everyone has their special day and it doesn't go unnoticed.

Then, moving from Waco to the next city we were on our way, but ran into some bus problems when the brakes were burning up on one of our buses.  We all made it safe and got nice and cozy when we crammed all the skaters onto one bus.  At least we all know we like each other :) It is all about making the best of every situation and for this one, well ,we all made it safe and got to where we needed to be.

Happy Winter!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Boarder Patrol!

Yep, I was a mile away from the Mexican boarder and can say I was so close, but yet so far away.  Maybe another time there will be an opportunity to explore another country, but as for this time, Laredo, Texas was just enough.  There may not have been a whole lot to do, but this was the scenery that I was expecting from Texas...dirt, sand, open fields of small trees and cacti, and warm temperatures. 

While staying in the country was advised and it was understood that there was going to be a lot of relaxing going on this week, some decided to take a few small trips to San Antonio and Corpus Christie to see what those places had to offer.  

While I cannot speak for those that went to San Antonio, I can say the time at Corpus Christie/Padre Island, and more specifically Mustang Beach was just what we all needed.  It was an escape from everything.  We had the entire beach to ourselves.  So, it was time for a bonfire and of course with that being said, out came the hot dogs and marshmallows to make s'mores!! I mean nothing is better than s'mores by the beach as the tide is rolling in.  

Unfortunately though, it was time to get back to reality and realize that we had to get back, but that didn't mean that we couldn't soak in some sun by the pool in our free time.  

We definitely lucked out having clear skies, warm temperatures, and a few hours of daylight to take in the view and making it even sweeter is the fact that it is November!! 

Staying south for another week, we are off to Waco, TX for more shows!! See ya there!  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Under the Texas Sky

It is definitely nice to venture south for a bit and enjoy the warmer weather.  What is even nicer, is the fact that it is quite chilly back home and they may even be in for some snow showers.  I guess it is time to soak in this nice weather while it lasts because soon enough we will be back to colder temperatures and fitting right in with the winter season.

Until then, it was time to enjoy Houston, Texas after we made it through our first flying experience where the weight of your bags actually mattered this time.  There was so much unpacking, repacking, and rearranging going on.  I mean who knew that if you had a bag that was 45 pounds and one that was 55 pounds, that you would have to rearrange.  I thought both could equal 100 pounds and you would be ok, but I guess not.  So, yes, I was that person that had to empty things out and move them around and pray that it was enough to make it an even 50/50.

Oh well, it all worked out and even though there was a quick turn around for the next opening show, it was time to make our time in Houston worth while.

The Museum District had something for everyone if that is your kind of thing.  Personally, the Natural Science Museum was pretty cool and even touched on history and different cultures as well.

As you walked through that district you were surrounded by the Hermann Park and a large lake with so many ducks, neutrals, and geese.  It was a nice change from the city life.

The Houston Zoo was a good time too as you walked from animal to animal under trees that stretched over the sidewalk and were decorated in lights of various colors.

Then it was time to get back to business though and it was on to performing.

The Houston Texans football stadium was where it was all taking place.  It was huge!! Just standing on the ground and looking up at all the rows and rows of stadium seats, really made you appreciate where you were and what it was like for the football players to walk out onto the field for game day.

Anyways, that was city number one out of four in Texas.  On to more warm weather for this week!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Second City in the Same State

Still in Ohio, but transitioned to Cincinnati; it is definitely a scenery change since we are downtown in the city now.  Being that it is another walking city, you definitely get to see a lot of sights.

I feel as if some of the places to see though, were very similar to those that are around Pittsburgh.  Cincinnati just like Pittsburgh sits along the Ohio River, offers Ducky Boat Tours, has a ship fleet for dinner and boat rides and entertainment, and even has numerous bridges the same shapes and colors as what Pittsburgh does.

However, the Fountain Square, the Red's Hall of Fame, and the Underground Railroad Museum were very interesting.  There were a lot of places to eat and some that are you unique to the area.  Potbelly's, Rock Bottom, and the Yard House were definitely very tasty eats! Apparently chili is also really big for the city and the ways that it is served as well.

Being that Cincinnati was so close to Kentucky also, the Newport Aquarium was convenient to venture to; only a walk over the bridge.

Giant crabs, poisonous frogs, sharks, crocodiles, penguins, clown fish, and octopi all were creatures that could be found.

Also, in between the sight-seeing and everything else that goes into a typical day or week on the road in a new city, it was also our first big holiday on the road.  And yes, no matter how old we all get to be, we all still dress up and have just as much fun as what we did when we were little kids...Trick-or-Treat!!

Monday, October 28, 2013


And we are off to the booming state of Ohio.

Here we come flat land and country roads!!

Right on a college campus in Dayton, the arena really brought back the college feeling for me with all the athletic events taking place while we were also occupying the arena.  This event center was huge compared to the field house that I grew to love for four years, while I was in college.

There definitely was not a shortage of places to eat either around the area which definitely made it nice. Of course a a large group dinner at Texas Roadhouse was very tasty and the cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory was delectable.

The cold weather on the hand, well that was a different story.  Coming from mostly warm temperatures, the first snow fall of the year definitely was a bit hard to handle.  At least we know there are warmer temperatures to come in the future.

There may not have been a whole lot to do in Dayton, but the Air Force Museum was definitely a nice find if you like planes and aeronautics history.  Honestly, any place can be entertaining or relaxing whichever you prefer, it is just all in what you make of it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just a Chance to Look Back

Glancing back over the last couple months...

Pictures are worth a million words.

Here's to the memories that we have created and the new ones waiting to come...

We all Made it Back

Well, after our stay in Montreal it was time to venture back to the states.  It was a very long bus ride, but we all made it through and got caught up on some sleep.  Then, the next challenge was making it past boarder control.  Let's just say those guys definitely were not the nicest group of people that you have ever met in your life.  Anyways, we all made it back into the states without a problem and were on our merry way.

Finally arriving at our destination around 6 or 6:30 in the morning we pulled into the hotel parking lot.

It is nice coming from such a busy city like Montreal to Auburn Hills, Michigan and being able to relax and catch up on some much needed sleep.  

It definitely looks and feels a lot more like Fall here.  The leaves are changing, there is a chill in the air, the wind is blowing, and the leaves are already crunchy!

This time of the year really reminds me of home and all of the festivities going on back there; fall festivals, cross-country races, football games, breaking out the boots and hoodies, bonfires, corn mazes, and pretty soon haunted houses and hay rides.

Pumpkin patches and scare crows are popping up everywhere.  It is just a matter of time until the Trick-Or-Treating starts!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Show Buzz #1

D20 Show Buzz November/December 2013

Common misconception…”You’re going to Florida aren’t you?” Well, apparently our version of Florida was Rockford, IL.  It was definitely a place where you learned to make the most of everything.  You also learned that it was safer to take the shuttle back and forth to the hotel because the taxi rides were 30 minutes longer than they should have been or everyone face planted into the seat in front of them or the dashboard in the front seat. 

At the end of two weeks, rehearsals were completed and the dress rehearsals finished up.  The costume changes were just as much of a workout as the actual skating was. 

Then, off we went to the first city and all we kept hearing was, “This is the biggest venue you will play at.”  Kind of scary if you ask me to start in a place so big, like the United Center in Chicago, IL.  It was a lot to take in all at once and the seats just kept going and going all the way to the ceiling. 

Some of the cities have come and gone so fast you forget where you are.  From Chicago to Montreal each city becomes a blur.

Chicago…The Bean! The Sear’s Tower, Shopping!
Louisville…The Famous Bat Museum, Fourth Street Live, Old Town Louisville 
St. Louis…The Arch, City Museum (Big Kids Playground!!), Cardinals baseball game, city parks and fountains died red for the Cardinals
Knoxville…Presentations (Sight-seeing…we saw a lot of the arena) haha
Montreal…Everything is French!! Opening Night Party and Auction!! Mount Royal, China Town, Notre Dome Church (replica), Old Montreal

As for fun within the cast and crew there are a few games that get everyone going during our three-show days or our last shows in a city while we are trying to pack out. 

Finding someone in the curtains to either the makeup room or in the hallways of back stage trying to scare everyone that walks by is a normal occurrence.  The trick is…look for feet or skates under the curtain.

Games during shows normally take place to raise money for extra activities for everyone to take part in.  They are simple games that make it absolutely hilarious because everyone ends up doing exactly what the rule says not to do.

Imagine not being allowed to sing along to music while you are backstage getting ready, or not being allowed to say sorry throughout the entire show, or not being allowed to say yes or no, or having to dance in response when a guy talks to you, or responding to a guy when he is talking to you while you are in the downward dog yoga pose and if you fail to do any of this you would have to donate to the group.  In the end, normally there is at least one person that surpasses everyone in how much money he or she is going to owe.

There is also the ritual pack-out-show song that is sung at the beginning of the show by the beauty characters and by all the girls in the makeup room at the end of the show.  

Leaving the Country!!

We headed to Montreal and it was my first time to leave U.S. soil and go to another country.  That being said, I had no idea what to expect at customs when we got off the plane and I definitely did not think that French was going to be so prevalent here either.  

Sight-seeing was a must: Mount Royal, China Town, Notre Dome Church (replica), and Old Montreal were just a few places and if you weren't out admiring the view, taste-testing all the different types of food definitely took precedence.  Dessert crepes are just one of the things that stand out.  

It was also our Opening Night Party and Auction that we got to celebrate.  The auction spiced some things up when the biding kept going back and forth between a few people just trying to out-bid the other in order to win the person or item being auctioned.  Now, the fun part of waiting to see what the buyer is going to have the auctionee do to suffice the price they paid to have the opportunity.  

Aside from all of the fun, this was also a city that taught us how much show tracks can change for many reasons and that it is inevitable that when one person is sick, sooner or later the entire tour will have the same illness.  Oh the joys of tour life.

Back to the South!!

Starting into the fourth city and it feels like we have been in the north and south and back again.  This time we were in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Instead of the like the last few cities, we were actually outside in a suburb and were able to see some grass and trees not too far off in the distance.  It was more of a homie-feeling for me; that along with the fact that I got to see my Mom, Dad, and Grandma for the first time since I left for tour in August.

It was just what I needed in between the presentations.  Even though we were not competing at a competition, it was still the feeling that I got and all the nerves came back again just like they did when I did take the ice to compete. Everyone gave it their all and spent extra time on the ice rehearsing.

Even though we mainly saw the inside of the ice rink this week, the company BBQ was a nice break to give us a chance to enjoy the sun and relax.

We also had some fun playing games during the shows like not being allowed to sing along to music while you are backstage getting ready, or not being allowed to say sorry throughout the entire show, or not being allowed to say yes or no, or having to dance in response when a guy talks to you, or responding to a guy when he is talking to you while you are in the downward dog yoga pose and if you fail to do any of this you would have to donate to the group.  In the end, normally there is at least one person that surpasses everyone in how much money he or she is going to owe.

The Arch!!

So it is safe to say that everyone knows St. Louis, Missouri for the famous St. Louis Arch.  It is a main tourist attraction for the city and it definitely caught our attention and served as the location for the yoga classes that are being offered on tour thanks to one of the fellow skaters.

A few blocks up the street was Busch Stadium where the Cardinals call home and by showing team spirit the water fountains in the city park were died red since the team was playing at home that week we were there.  For some of those on tour, this was their first-ever baseball game experience.

It was also a chance to see that no matter how far away you may be from home and your family, this is your tour family now and they will do anything they can to make you feel like you are a part of something including celebrating your birthday.  No special day goes without being recognized.

Also, having a little more fun, we decided to go to the City Museum and it is like a big-kid playground. There are 10-story slides, a bus that hangs out over the building, a ball-pit, an airplane that is suspended in the air, caves, and dungeons that you can maneuver through.  It's a blast, but definitely a workout and you will come home with some scrapes and bruises.  Be ware of young children...they will get ya in the ball pit! Haha!

Home of the Louisville Slugger

Overlooking the waterfront, the view in the hotel was breath-taking.  The weather was warm and the people were humble and nice.  The arena was just around the corner and the people were so friendly.

Louisville, Kentucky was city number two on the list of places we will be visiting on tour.

The famous Bat Museum and Fourth Street Live seemed to attract most of the attention on our days off.  We may have been downtown, but it was relaxed compared to downtown Chicago.  Old Town Louisville was filled with vintage-style houses and churches.  The water always had boats and barges running along the shore.

It may only have been the second show city, but it felt like we had been training and performing for a few months at that point in time.  Rockford seemed to be so long ago.

The Windy City

We were off and running just like that.  Our first performance was in the largest venue that we would play at all season...The United Center in Chicago, IL.

It was time to get down to business now.  Unlike Rockford and the laid-back kind of style there, Chicago was full of hustle and bustle, but that also gave everyone on tour something to do in our free time.  If groups of people were not sight seeing places like The Bean, The Sear's Tower, or taste-testing Chicago-Style deep dish pizza, everyone was taking advantage of being downtown and the shopping that the city had to offer.

Then, it was show time and there were some pretty important guests that stopped in to see how everyone was doing and within the first week of shows, we had to change languages.  It was time for our first spanish show!!

Thank goodness for spanish in high school and college, but oh wait...completely different trying to sing and skate in spanish versus just trying to speak the language itself.

First show city complete!!

Where it all Began

Well it was officially time to take off on the plane to head to Rockford.  Saying Goodbye to everyone was by far the hardest thing that I had to do.  It was all so new to me including just traveling alone.  This was the first plane ride I was on by myself and only the second one that I had ever been on.  Trying to drag all my bags through the airport was a sight within itself and then dealing with my luggage getting lost on the first day was not exactly the best way to start things off.

Everyone seemed really welcoming though and was willing to help with everything.  I will say trying to learn all of the performances was a bit overwhelming to take it all in also.  My brain just was not completely compared for and one minute my body was going one way and my brain was telling it to do something else.  In the end though, two weeks of all-day rehearsals finished and we were off to our first show city.