Monday, November 17, 2014

Happy 100!

Uniondale, NY

We are back at it again.  It is round two for these next 4 weeks of cities in the New York City and New Jersey areas.

For now though, it was a short walk to the venue and even though it's the second time performing in this arena, there are still things that differ each year.  Even with these small changes it is still nice to already have an idea of what to expect.

I think the same can be said for most things.  Just like the contrast for me between my first year on the road and this year.  It definitely makes things a little more comfortable and easier.

With that being said, I cannot believe how far we have come as a family.  From those long, long hours at rehearsals to our opening city in Orlando, to our first flight day, to our first city on tank ice, to our first round of break workers, and here we are now…100 shows in and still going strong!!

Happy 100!

I cannot believe that we have done this many shows in this short of a time period.  Yes, it has been hard, but it has totally been worth it.  I have had so much fun with this group of incredible people and without each and every one of you, this would not be possible.

No sleep until Brooklyn.  See you there!

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