Monday, November 24, 2014

Round Two is Always Better

Newark, NJ

Two days OFF and a day off for the crew!  It has been so long, we almost forgot what is like.  Free time away from the building?!  That is almost unheard of anymore, so it was nice to enjoy it this once.

And then it was back to the crazy, busy schedule we are accustomed to.  

It was off to Times Square to perform for Good Morning America!  It was an experience of a life-time and one that no words can really describe how it felt to be there at that moment in time.  Yes, it was really early…3 AM pick-up time to head into the city, but in the end it was all worth it.    

I cannot believe I was there, in Times Square, performing, doing what I love to do.  There was just something about it when the music started and I was out there on the ice (glyce - plastic ice) for the first time, that just felt right.  Of course, there were the jitters and the nerves, but as soon as I stepped off the surface, I wanted to get back out there and do it all over again. 

Another life changing event that I was able to take part in this week was a welcome home to a military father that aired on ABC Family.  It was a surprise for his children on his trip home from a one-year deployment.  Moments like those really take you back and hit close to home.  There is a special place in your heart for experiences like this; ones that I will always remember.  

Aside from all of these thrilling and heart-warming appearances we all had to stay on our toes for special appearances from Robert De Niro, Chris Rock, and Bruce Willis! 

It is absolutely amazing to be a part of something like this!  It is a dream come true and it is only going to get better from here! 

See you a little ways down the road! 

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