Thursday, April 28, 2016

Nearing the End

Duluth, Georgia

The week started off calm and relaxing.  We were able to get to the hotel at a decent time instead of 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning.  This never happens.  Groceries, sporting goods stores, a movie theater, banks, and all the other places to eat and necessities were just a short walk down the road.  Just be sure to watch out for cars, there was no sidewalk.

However, a short-skip-and-a-jump to the side of the hotel and you were in the parking lot of a vacant building surrounded by woods and squirrels.  The leaves crunched under your footsteps and the sun played hide-and-go-seek behind the trees.  It was just what I needed; my little escape.  

Back to reality though, the sound of the cars racing by on the road in front of the hotel took away all the tranquility that the woods devout a few short moments before. 

Sticking to the same outdoor-theme though, we ventured to the Norcross County Gun Club and Range to brush up on our safety gun skills and try our hands at target practice.  I really felt like I was at home now, except for the fact that this was all taking place inside instead of outside in an open field.  However, it was nice not to be in a big city for the moment. 

So far, it was a pretty chill week until we had to make the trek into work.  Not only was the traffic really heavy, but we were also 11 miles away from the venue this week.  Therefore, when the bus driver gets lost in tandem with those two things, that only means one thing…we are going to be late.  And that we were, so the combination of having all the bus times moved ahead 30 minutes and going from a 7:30PM show at night to a 10:30AM show the next morning really wore us out. 

We were trying to make the most of it though and even found time to make it to the gym.  The owners of TAPOUT FITNESS were both nice enough to allow the D34 cast and crew to workout for the week for a small fee of $20 for the week or $10 for the day.  I mean, that’s pretty reasonable considering most places don’t offer deals like that nor do they give the option to rent a key card to allow you 24-hour access to the gym.  And keep in mind, that this option was given to us, who were only there for a week, imagine if you were a routine client, and could go to the gym whenever you wanted. 

The gym itself catered to boxing, but still offered your typical cardio, weight training, machines and dumbbells, and classes, but unlike most of its’ type, it was clean!  I mean this gym didn’t even have dirt on the floor or in the corners.  The equipment was up to date and in constantly being maintained for member’s safety.

It has only been open since September, but has grown in size to 600 members already.  One thing though, not all 600 of them come at the same time like LA Fitness.  Instead, they seem to come sporadically throughout the day so there aren’t any lines waiting for your piece of equipment.   No one there judges you either, so it’s not like LA Fitness where everyone is watching your every move.  And everyone is friendly, which you don’t find most places. 

So, a huge thank you and shout out to Eric Boxer and Sean Boxer at TAPOUT FITNESS!  We all know where to come workout next time we are in Norcross County, GA.  Until then though, we must be on our way.  A bus ride, a plane flight, followed by another bus ride calls our name: off to Lafayette, Louisiana. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

College - Town Life

Columbia, South Carolina

Welcome to the home of the USC (University of South Carolina) Gamecocks!

Like every college town, there is always a sense of comfort; you don’t have to worry about what is waiting for you around the next corner, or what may happen if you get lost, or running into the wrong person on the street.  There’s never a time that you have to worry about what you are wearing or if you are going to fit in, because literally anything and everything goes; it’s college.  Everyone is there for one or more of the same reasons: education, sports, friends, or making your dreams and goals come to life. 

And one of our very own is well on her way to making her own dream come true.  

This was the very spot for the Viola Bernice Pop Love Fashion Show!  Now some of us were blessed to take part in the show and others of us found ways to contribute behind the scenes.

It always has everyone’s attention each time we take a step into the Wardrobe Office just to see what she is working on and it was finally time for her to reveal.  There were pops of color mixed with the blacks, grays, and silvers of the Titanium collection. 

And before we knew it, the spotlights faded, the music halted, and the carpet rolled up; it was back to reality we went, but for me I had something more to et me through the week; my parents were coming! 

It is always such a treat when they come to visit and this time for once I actually had time to spend with them.  Unlike most times it’s a quick pizza dinner Friday night, followed by three shows on Saturday where they come to the last show and dinner-out and rush back to finish packing, shower, and get to bed, and a quick 15-minute goodbye Sunday morning before heading in for an 11 AM show, but this time was different.  We had all the time in the world Saturday night and I even got to see them for over an hour Sunday morning before they headed home!  Times like that definitely make their trips work it. 

Soon enough Ill be home to enjoy their company a little more for a few weeks, but until then, we were on the road again heading to Duluth, Georgia for round number two for me. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Show Buzz #5


Well, it’s February and everyone who is familiar with tour life and how it goes, knows that it can be pretty brutal this month.  However, this year we are still going pretty strong and managed to celebrate Valentine’s Day pretty smoothly with some fruit and vanilla and chocolate fondue and pizza of course.  The girls even had a Bachelor viewing night and we all came away with our very own red roses. 

With everyone in high spirits we all seemed to be spending more time together this week from playing basketball or volleyball every night in the makeshift court to starting our very own Run Club to the Elevator Formal.  Yes, that is a thing for us.  Two of our very own crew guys have put it together where you just go an hang out in the elevator lobby area in formal attire and eat fancy cheeses and enjoy some drinks and each other’s company. 

As if we aren’t busy enough, we just keep finding things to fill our time more and more.  One day we may slow down, but that doesn’t seem very likely at this point. 

Another travel day in the books; hello San Jose.

Even though it has become such a routine we were all very happy that to hear that this week is our last Monday hold over of the year!  Where last year may have been three-show day after three-show day, this year, it has been Monday-holdover after Monday-holdover. 

So the time off is always put to use the best it can be.  This week most of our time was spent lounging by the pool or in the hot tub or even playing miniature golf at the hotel!  Some were even daring to go for run with the Run Club while others got really rambunctious and played Bubble Soccer. 

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel we were off to our last city in California, Oakland. 

And when in Oakland, be safe and be mindful of all of your surroundings.  The one morning our bus never showed and a new one had to come and pick us up for the show because the highway was shut down.  We all thought there must have been an accident of some sort, but we later learned it was because there was a shooting taking place in the middle of the road. 

So, we all made sure that we all kept our guard up and headed into San Francisco for ideal sightseeing on our day off. 

Most of us found that you are able to see so much more if you rent a bike and ride through Pier 39 and all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge and through Sausalito.  You’re able to cover more ground that way and still able to stop and take in all the sights at the same time. 

And who can forget Lombard Street, the Full House house, and Mrs. Doubtfire’s house! 

There was so much to see and so little time to see it all because the plane was leaving, off to Salt Lake City, Utah!

Where of course it was time to hit the slopes for some skiing, snowboarding, and tubing. 

Up in Park City, surrounded by three ski resorts, allowed access to two of them with the purchase of only one lift ticket for the season.  So, not only were we able to shred down the mountains in the Park City Resort, but also within the Canyon Mountain Resort as well.  And being home to the 2002 Winter Olympics made the deal even sweeter. 

Speaking of sweeter, it was time for the guys and girls nights and for some that meant for some pretty “sweet” attire.  Yes, you know what that means; it was time for the girls’ three-item festivity.  As for the boys’ well they were off doing their thing too just not in handmade, creative attire. 

Dressing a little classier though, it was also time for another tradition this week as well; the elevator formal before packing up for the second out of three weeks in a row of flying. 

Off to Black and Gold country we went in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

And that’s what we got.  From the hockey fans to the football fans to the baseball fans, it was black and gold everywhere with some green mixed in.  Yes, green.  And even though we were not able to take part in any part of the Second-Best Place to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we were still there wearing our green proudly when we were able to.  Pittsburgh may have had some pretty crazy weather from rain all day to 70 degrees the next, but that’s March in the city for ya and it wasn’t going to put a damper on the holiday. 

And if you think there is a lot to keep you busy now, come back in the summer and you will be in awe to see how the city transform itself.  One thing though, that never changes…the people and their support for one another and their pride for being part of the community.  It makes saying goodbye so hard. 

We were off to the next place though and welcoming the sunshine and warm temperatures with open arms. 

Fort Myers, Florida definitely brought on the sunshine and beaches and our winter-white skin was not ready for all that heat and attention.  Lathering on all the sunscreen and sunburn lotion, we did, but it was so worth it if it meant days on the beach!

But soon enough, we had a reality check and headed back to work with our red and pinkish skin.  However, we were not ready for almost a full ice surface of paint by the last day and even though its always scary for any skater to hear that there is paint, it did liven up the ice show to say the least.  Just in time for us to be on our merry way a few hours down the road. 

Hello Sunrise and otherwise known as Ft. Lauderdale. 

And what a better way to start the week out than at the beach!  We were braving the clouds and wind for part of the day, but the weather did brighten up and we were able to soak in some sun for quite a while. 

As usual the days off passed by without the blink of an eye, as did the fact that we just completed our 800th show!  I mean really?!  Who would have ever thought?!  Just as we all know that nothing is for sure and the inevitable concept of change is always prevalent, so is the saying that our Company Manager has us live by, “Be thankful for what you have and who you have around you,” and 800 shows later, this couldn’t be more perfect. 

Soaking it all in, we headed to MIAMI!

What a better way to start off the week, than with Closing Night Party Festivities on the Miami Lady!  Its times like these that are a true reality check.  I mean, how many people can say that they had a company party on a boat in Miami? It all just goes to show lucky we truly are not only to actually have a job right now, but one that also allows us to travel and see parts of the world that some will only dream about. 

I feel like Miami is the epitome of this with South Beach, Miami Beach and exotic vacation locations such as those.  It really makes you realize how much you do have to be thankful for and even though one can easily get caught up in this city, it is one that forces you to reflect on what you have and allows you to set your sights on what you would like to come. 

However, hoping for a little less humidity and more room in the hotel, we were off to Jacksonville.

Aside from the police station, courthouse, and jail all being on the walk to the arena; Jacksonville was a pretty quiet town; even the beach was calm.  Very rarely did we even pass anyone that was not part of our group in town, but it just so happened that we were going to be adding some excitement.  We gained four new break workers! 

We are very thankful for those that were with us for basically our entire tour and we miss you already.  You were part of our family.  Hope to see you all down the road!  Until then, we wish you the best of luck with your show!  For now, we are opening our family and expanding once again and are excited to do so!  The more the merrier over here on D34!  Still trucking along…

Places to See:

Sacramento – Old Sacramento, the capital building, If you stay at the same hotel we did make sure to use the tennis/basketball court – we even made it into a make-shift volleyball court

San Jose – Bubble soccer, Pool and hot tub area at the hotel with miniature golf!

Oakland – Travel into San Francisco and be safe in Oakland, Pier 39 and the sea lions, Golden Gate Bridge, Saucalito, Lombard Street, Full House house, Mrs. Doubtfire’s House, Bay Bridge

Salt Lake City – Park City Mountain Resort, Canyon City Mountain Resort – Go skiing, snowboarding or tubing! It’s a must! 

Pittsburgh – The Point (Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers meet to form the Ohio river) , Fort Pitt, The Inclines, Mount Washington, Primanti Brother’s, Southside, the Strip District, the Market District, Ducky Tours, the Gateway Clipper Fleet, Pittsburgh Mills, Waterworks, University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, Chatham College, Point Park University, Sports Teams: Penguins (hockey), Steelers (NFL), Pirates (baseball), Riverhounds (soccer), Passion (women’s football)

Fort Myers – Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel Island – Just soaking up the sun and enjoying the warm weather

Sunrise – Fort Lauderdale Beach, 800 shows!

Miami – Closing Night Party on the Miami Lady, South Beach, Miami Beach, Bayside, Port of Miami, Star Island

Jacksonville – Jacksonville Beach

Special Thank You to:
Morgan Bell
Ryan Coombs
Gary Lester
Lev Shiryaev
Leo Sorokin

Taylor Steele
Jacob March
Colleen Clancy
Jared  Moss

Congratulations to:

Rusty Pfaff
Even though we will all miss you, we are wishing you well on your new journey and new job at the Feld Entertainment Corporate Office! 

Adriene and Will Ott
Newly Married! 


Jacksonville, Florida

Well this is definitely a change from Miami.  There aren’t any bright lights or tall buildings or crowded streets.  It was almost rare to pass someone that wasn’t with our group on the walk to the building.  And I am not sure if that was a good thing or not considering not only did we have to walk by the police station and the courthouse; we also had to pass the jail where you could actually hear the prisoners.  Anyways, after that first walk, needless to say we found another route taking us along the river walk.  It was not only beautiful and peaceful, but it was a lot safer and the smell of coffee filled the air as we neared the Maxwell House Coffee Factory. So yes, coffee was literally all we had on the brain for the week. 

However, escaping the temptation we did venture to the beach for some fresh air and even the beach had a different feeling.  It wasn’t crowded with spring breakers or vacationers, instead it seemed as if it was more of a local spot than anything.  Yes, there were still hotels and places to eat along the beach, but it was not as built up like most beaches we have been to this tour season.  It was nice for a change though.  We could spread out and relax and not have to worry about being stepped on or run over.  Even though it was a bit chilly, the sun was still shining bright and of course we had to devour some seafood while we were along the coast. 

And since things were a bit calmer and not as crowded everything seemed a bit bigger in size.  From the coast along the beach to the hotel room to the gym, all the way down to the size of the bathroom.  It’s amazing what a little space can do for a person.

It may not have been the biggest or most interesting city, but it did let everyone breathe a little and calm down from the rush of last week. 

Before we knew it though, it was travel day Monday to the home of the Gamecocks!

Monday, April 4, 2016



We’re going to Miami.  We’re going to Miami. 

Not only is it March and back home there is still snow on the ground and we are in Florida, but what makes this all the more sweater is the fact that we get to have our Closing Night Celebration on a boat; the Miami Lady none other. 

So, on top of being able to go to South Beach, one of the most well-known beaches in the world, being able to walk into Dash (the Kardashian’s store), and driving by Star Island, now we can all say that we were on a boat in Miami cruising along the coat of downtown for the evening we were off. 

It was such a delight to be able to spend a night with everyone within the company on the water celebrating how far we have come and even though this may not be the end for us yet, we have accomplished so much thus far. 

*A huge shout out to our Company Manager for making all of this happen and a possibility. *
            We are all so thankful to be given the opportunities to experience the things that we have under your supervision and cannot thank you enough. 

And even though we can all be drained sometimes and riding the struggle bus for one reason or another, its nights like that on the water, that make it all the more worth while. 

Sometimes we get ahead of our selves and forget to enjoy the little things in life that matter most.  There are even times that we need to take a step back and do things for ourselves even if that means going off on our own individual journey for the time being.   However, we all end up back where we are supposed to be and sometimes with a little more support than what we thought.   

Reuniting with college friends is always a good indicator.  No matter how far apart we may be, we always manage to find one another when we all need it most.  Ah, the good ole ROCK is keeping us strong. 

Just in time for another road trip; off to Jacksonville. 

Sunshine in Sunrise

Sunrise, Florida

And just like that we hit the beach with hopes that the weather would cooperate.   After a late start to the day yesterday and lots of clouds, we were all hoping to catch some rays today; my winter skin definitely needed it. 

Even though it was a gloomy beginning with lots of clouds and wind again, the sky opened up and we were all able to get some sun and eventually even got into the water. 

Of course, there were the games of football going on in and out of the water as well as burying a few in the sand with the infamous lifts taking place too.  You know, just a typical day at the beach for us.  Nothing was out of the ordinary at Fort Lauderdale Beach, but the ride home was a little less than to be desired for, with an uber driver that could not keep his eyes open.  We were grateful to make it back in one piece. 

Having arriving safely, we stuck to bus transportation and walking for the remainder of the week.  Luckily, there was enough around in walking distance that we didn’t have too much to worry about except for the fact that hot water didn’t exist in the hotel at all.  It was nothing but cold showers for the week; not exactly what you want coming back covered in sand and chilled from the ocean wind and car air conditioning.  Oh well, those were probably the quickest showers I have ever taken in my life.   

However, we were toughing it out and kept pushing through.  After all, that’s what we are known to do.  I mean who’s counting, but we did just complete our 800th show!  I mean 800!  Really?!  When we were starting out we never thought we would be here right now and still going strong.  And as our company manager always says, “Be thankful for what you have and who you have around you because it will never be the same again.”

Cherishing what we have and what we have accomplished, we set our sights ahead to MIAMI.