Monday, April 4, 2016



We’re going to Miami.  We’re going to Miami. 

Not only is it March and back home there is still snow on the ground and we are in Florida, but what makes this all the more sweater is the fact that we get to have our Closing Night Celebration on a boat; the Miami Lady none other. 

So, on top of being able to go to South Beach, one of the most well-known beaches in the world, being able to walk into Dash (the Kardashian’s store), and driving by Star Island, now we can all say that we were on a boat in Miami cruising along the coat of downtown for the evening we were off. 

It was such a delight to be able to spend a night with everyone within the company on the water celebrating how far we have come and even though this may not be the end for us yet, we have accomplished so much thus far. 

*A huge shout out to our Company Manager for making all of this happen and a possibility. *
            We are all so thankful to be given the opportunities to experience the things that we have under your supervision and cannot thank you enough. 

And even though we can all be drained sometimes and riding the struggle bus for one reason or another, its nights like that on the water, that make it all the more worth while. 

Sometimes we get ahead of our selves and forget to enjoy the little things in life that matter most.  There are even times that we need to take a step back and do things for ourselves even if that means going off on our own individual journey for the time being.   However, we all end up back where we are supposed to be and sometimes with a little more support than what we thought.   

Reuniting with college friends is always a good indicator.  No matter how far apart we may be, we always manage to find one another when we all need it most.  Ah, the good ole ROCK is keeping us strong. 

Just in time for another road trip; off to Jacksonville. 

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