Friday, April 22, 2016

College - Town Life

Columbia, South Carolina

Welcome to the home of the USC (University of South Carolina) Gamecocks!

Like every college town, there is always a sense of comfort; you don’t have to worry about what is waiting for you around the next corner, or what may happen if you get lost, or running into the wrong person on the street.  There’s never a time that you have to worry about what you are wearing or if you are going to fit in, because literally anything and everything goes; it’s college.  Everyone is there for one or more of the same reasons: education, sports, friends, or making your dreams and goals come to life. 

And one of our very own is well on her way to making her own dream come true.  

This was the very spot for the Viola Bernice Pop Love Fashion Show!  Now some of us were blessed to take part in the show and others of us found ways to contribute behind the scenes.

It always has everyone’s attention each time we take a step into the Wardrobe Office just to see what she is working on and it was finally time for her to reveal.  There were pops of color mixed with the blacks, grays, and silvers of the Titanium collection. 

And before we knew it, the spotlights faded, the music halted, and the carpet rolled up; it was back to reality we went, but for me I had something more to et me through the week; my parents were coming! 

It is always such a treat when they come to visit and this time for once I actually had time to spend with them.  Unlike most times it’s a quick pizza dinner Friday night, followed by three shows on Saturday where they come to the last show and dinner-out and rush back to finish packing, shower, and get to bed, and a quick 15-minute goodbye Sunday morning before heading in for an 11 AM show, but this time was different.  We had all the time in the world Saturday night and I even got to see them for over an hour Sunday morning before they headed home!  Times like that definitely make their trips work it. 

Soon enough Ill be home to enjoy their company a little more for a few weeks, but until then, we were on the road again heading to Duluth, Georgia for round number two for me. 

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