Monday, April 11, 2016


Jacksonville, Florida

Well this is definitely a change from Miami.  There aren’t any bright lights or tall buildings or crowded streets.  It was almost rare to pass someone that wasn’t with our group on the walk to the building.  And I am not sure if that was a good thing or not considering not only did we have to walk by the police station and the courthouse; we also had to pass the jail where you could actually hear the prisoners.  Anyways, after that first walk, needless to say we found another route taking us along the river walk.  It was not only beautiful and peaceful, but it was a lot safer and the smell of coffee filled the air as we neared the Maxwell House Coffee Factory. So yes, coffee was literally all we had on the brain for the week. 

However, escaping the temptation we did venture to the beach for some fresh air and even the beach had a different feeling.  It wasn’t crowded with spring breakers or vacationers, instead it seemed as if it was more of a local spot than anything.  Yes, there were still hotels and places to eat along the beach, but it was not as built up like most beaches we have been to this tour season.  It was nice for a change though.  We could spread out and relax and not have to worry about being stepped on or run over.  Even though it was a bit chilly, the sun was still shining bright and of course we had to devour some seafood while we were along the coast. 

And since things were a bit calmer and not as crowded everything seemed a bit bigger in size.  From the coast along the beach to the hotel room to the gym, all the way down to the size of the bathroom.  It’s amazing what a little space can do for a person.

It may not have been the biggest or most interesting city, but it did let everyone breathe a little and calm down from the rush of last week. 

Before we knew it though, it was travel day Monday to the home of the Gamecocks!

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